Individual Stress Prevention through Qigong
Van Dam, K. Faculty of Psychology,
Open University of the Netherlands,
National Library of Medicine 8 October 2020
Owing to work intensification and an accelerated pace of life in general, individuals in many Western countries are often over activated and find it difficult to switch off. However, recovery from physiological and mental activation is critical to prevent stress symptoms and maintain one’s physiological and mental well-being.
Extensive research evidence indicates that Qigong, a traditional Chinese movement practice for promoting health, provides an effective means to recover from work and off-work demands. The main objective of this paper is to offer a comprehensive, narrative review of the effects of Qigong and its core components. Attention is first paid to the outcomes of work and off-work demands and stress, and the role of recovery for individuals’ well-being. Then, Qigong and its components are explained, followed by the results of scientific research. Finally, limitations and implications for research and practiced are discussed.